Wellbeing for Life is funded by Public Health County Durham and is a service which aims to take a ‘whole person’ approach to improving health. We work primarily with the lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community, people with mental health conditions, offenders and veterans. We have a team of trained and experienced health trainers who work across the whole of County Durham and will arrange to have a 121 appointment with a client to establish what the client’s needs are and how we can help them to achieve this. Our health trainers can help clients with increasing confidence and helping them connect with local services and groups, weight management, increasing physical activity, healthy eating, stopping smoking, and they give you support to make changes over approximately and eight to ten week period.
Programme Manager: Donna McDermott
Health Trainer Co-ordinator: Vikki Brumwell
To find out more about our health trainer service please contact us on 0191 3781037